

This version was saved 13 years, 4 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Siri
on September 16, 2011 at 3:42:49 pm





Great Books: Links to lesson plans and curriculum materials based on children's literature for this period.


Turning Points: A list of key transitions in Nathaniel Philbrick's The Mayflower, illustrated conceptually with children's stories created in StoryBird.


Top Resources: A list of exceptional web-based resources for teachers of Early American History.


MindMeister: A concept map of the characters involved in Nathaniel Philbrick's story which might be useful to others reading the book for the first time.


Final Projects: Interactive curriculum for teaching about this period.


Social Studies Matters: An explanation of the MN Standards addressed in this material and our vision for our work in the discipline.

Welcome to The Mayflower Wiki

Introduction to this Wiki! Click here!


Welcome to our wiki! As students of Bemdij State University's DLiTE program, we have created this resource for educators of students in grades 3-8to explore lesson ideas for Colonial American History. This wiki is a collaboration completed within our Social Studies Methods class, using different children’s literature books that have content related to the book we read “The Mayflower” by Nathaniel Philbrick.


A wiki is a great tool for having people collaborate on one project. Wiki’s are useful because many people can be working towards one goal at the same time in different locations. Each student in our class built their own pages linked to this unified wiki filled with lesson plans, essential questions, vocabulary activities, and resources that all focused around their individual children’s books and our text “The Mayflower” by Nathaniel Philbrick.







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