
Top Resources

Page history last edited by Amy Malikowski 14 years, 1 month ago

Top Resources


This page provides links to different sites that contain pertinent information or ideas that relate to events that occurred during the 1400-1700's in the United States. 



Provided By: Link This site is most useful for: Brief summary of what is found at this website and how it could be useful.
The National Archives  Teacher 

This site contains primary documents and teaching activities covering dates from 1754 to the present.

Amy C.
Library of Congress
Primary sources, lesson plans, online exhibits and presentations. Also a section for students that provides links to kid sites.
Amy M.
USA History Student This site has factual information about the USA from 1000 up to 1904.  It would be a great resource for students to use for research on events that happened in and around the US during this time period.  The site is set up in a timeline fashion with links to other information throughout.
Amy R.
The Mayflower-History.com






This site gives full background information on the people, the themes related to the Pilgrims, the events that occurred in that time period, and other related topics.  It is a safe site for students to use for researching. 


There are many videos to share with students, and other recommended articles to read.
(History.com has much more wonderful information relative to Social Studies)








This website was designed by a group of descendents from the Pilgrims who sailed on the Mayflower.  This website provides important historical information, links to museums, and other websites containing a wealth of information on the Pilgrims and the Mayflower.


There are educational resources available for purchase.

Anne Hutchinson
This site is all about the biography and trial of Anne Hutchinson.  Anne Hutchinson fought for individual rights to freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and freedom of worship.
Virtual Jamestown
Virtual Jamestown is an online research, teaching and learning project that uses virtual representations to explore the history of Jamestown.  This would be a perfect site to use in the classroom with students.
Katharine We Shall Remain


This is an amazing set of videos that describes Native America experiences of both past and present.  Teachers could use this website to show students life through Native American's eyes.  They have episodes on the Mayflower, trail of tears, and many more Native American life experiences.   
Kristina N. Traveling the Mayflower  Teacher  This link takes you directly to a lesson plan related to the Pilgrims.  If you go to the home page of Learn NC, there are many more lessons and information related to other academic subjects.
Kristina The Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony: 1620  Teacher  This link provides extensive background information on the Pilgrims and their voyage on the Mayflower.  It also provides useful links to maps, illustrations, and photos of replicas of items used during the time period. 
Loretta Plymouth Plantation 


This site gives detailed information about both the Pilgrims and Native Americans housing and meals. 

Megan Plimoth






This website includes an online learning center that children would enjoy.  The students follow clues and discover the true happenings of the first Thanksgiving.  There are also coloring pages, recipes, and stories.


For the teacher the information included on this site gives views from both the colonist and the Wampanoag.  There is a site dedicated to teaching with respect, and there are resources available for purchase.

Mellissa MayflowerHistory.com






The website has most everything you want to know about the Pilgrims.  There is a list of all Mayflower passengers, and information on each.  It also has indepth information on many different topics pertaining to the Pilgrims.


This site is ideal for students both young and old.  Along with the information listed above, there is much more to explore.  If you are looking for something for older students, there is information on religious beliefs and also crime and punishment.

Moneque Native Americans and Thanksgiving     Teacher This site is a great resource for teaching about Thankgiving and giving the students background about where Thanksgiving came from.  It has great information on the different cultures and an historical inaccuracies
Necoe Scholastic Thanksgiving Lessons Teacher

This site goes directly to a 3rd-5th grade lesson plan.  It offers interactive video of the Mayflower Voyage, first person interviews, and historical explorations of the Pilgrims and their first year in America.


Scholastic also offers many lesson plans that use a variety of technology as well as assessment ideas and connections to standards.

Rachael WIKIPEDIA  Teacher  Wikipedia provides a thorough, accurate summary of facts about the time period related to the Pilgrims.  It includes information leading up to the Mayflower's voyage, starting in 1620, through King Philip's War. 
Rena Timelines Colonial America






Ideal for students and teachers alike, this resource provides a time line showing how the colonization of America came to be.  It begins with the Pilgrims leaving Europe in 1620 all the way through King Phillip's war.


The time line continues on, to show you a dated list of all the Acts passed through the late 1700's.

Sara U.S. History  Student

This site has many fun and interactive ways for students to learn more about Social Studies.  Things included are timelines, geography, governments, and many more.


Note for teachers: Not all of the links work, please review before having students work on something specific. 

Siri PBS Colonial House Student This is an interactive site that includes multimedia tutorials on colonial life. This site is ideal to include in your 4th-8th grade classroom.  Students will learn historical skills and lifestyle information about the colonial period.

The Pilgrim's Journey 





This site has a great activity where students create a journal documenting the Pilgrim journey from their viewpoint.  Ideal for 3rd-4th grades, but could be adapted for 5th.


There is a rubric included with the journal activity, along with a teachers resource page that includes other activities and information.


The First Thanksgiving






This website includes an interactive field trip, along with activities for children PreK-8th grade.  This is a very fun site that students will love!


It also includes resources, lesson plans and teaching ideas. 


Great Books  

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