This storybird represents the time in history when Squanto is kidnapped and brought to England as a slave later returning to America to act as a teacher and interpreter for the pilgrims. In The Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick this is represented on pages 52-55, 58, 97, 101-106, 123, 135. Squanto is represented by Bear, a common figure found in Native American folklore. Girl represents the English, childlike, in the Native American's eyes, unable to take care for themself in the wilds of America.
This is important to consider because Squanto was one of the integral people who helped to develop a relationship between the Native Americans and pilgrims. After the disastrous first winter Squanto showed the Pilgrims how to live off from the land and often acted as a go-between between the two groups. If things hadn't gone this way the pilgrims could have died or returned to England because of the hardships and animosity that they faced. For better or worse, this could have possibly changed the development of America as we know it.
When I think about it now I realize that this was a definite possibility. What would have happened if Squanto hadn't been taken and returned? What if he hadn't chosen to help the Settlers? What if the alliances hadn't been forged? What would have been the consequences?
Another way to read this turning point would be to consider the implications of the English encroaching on the territory of the Native Americans. What is the other side of the story.
In the end Squanto did choose to help the Pilgrims and the relationships that developed from that were part of the history that have shaped America into what it is today.
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